Hydrogen Conversion
Professor Agustin Valera-Medina, Director of the Net Zero Innovation Institute at Cardiff University is the lead for the GW-SHIFT theme Conversion and explains the role of ammonia and other materials in hydrogen conversion.
A hydrogen economy has been the focus of researchers and developers over decades. Interestingly, the complexity of moving and storing hydrogen has always been a major obstacle to deploying the concept fully. Therefore, other materials can be employed to support the handling of hydrogen whilst reducing cost over long distances and long storage periods.
Ammonia, a molecule with high hydrogen content, can be used to store and distribute hydrogen easily, as the molecule has been employed for more than 150 years for fertilizing purposes. Being a carbon-free chemical, ammonia (NH3) has the potential to support a hydrogen transition thus decarbonising transport, power and industries. Further, using ammonia directly can reduce costs and cycle inefficiencies. However, the complexity of using ammonia for power generation, transport and heating relies on the appropriate use of the chemical to reach high power outputs combined with low emission profiles. A variety of heat and power systems are currently under scrutiny for the direct use of ammonia as a fuel. Expertise on the subject is increasing and several units are being tested to progress in the utilization of the chemical in an efficient, stable and low polluting manner.
However, progress comes with several challenges. Importantly, the UK is currently positioning itself as a European champion in the use of ammonia for energy delivery, hence opening a variety of opportunities to create the foundations for a hydrogen-through-ammonia market. Similarly, other vectors such as methanol can be evaluated for the movement of hydrogen and use of the molecule through relatively simple retrofitting exercises. The concept promises to reduce CO2 by recirculating the molecule from the atmosphere and chemical processes, whilst using green or blue hydrogen that supports Net Zero carbon use towards the transition of a real zero society based on hydrogen-rich molecules. Other vectors, of similar importance, will be subject to evaluation and analysis via the Conversion Task of GW-SHIFT.
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