Alistair Cole
The industrial sector is pivotal in decarbonization efforts and transition to the use of hydrogen as a feedstock or for fuel switching is increasingly recognised as an essential part of the reduction of our reliance on fossil fuels in industry. The UK Government’s Net Zero Strategy indicated that up to 500TWh of low carbon hydrogen generation would be needed to reach net zero by 2050, with a major proportion being directed to industrial feed and fuel switching.
Industrial Feedstocks
The industrial sector is pivotal in decarbonization efforts and transition to the use of hydrogen as a feedstock or for fuel switching is increasingly recognised as an essential part of the reduction of our reliance on fossil fuels in industry. The UK Government’s Net Zero Strategy indicated that up to 500TWh of low carbon hydrogen generation would be needed to reach net zero by 2050, with a major proportion being directed to industrial feed and fuel switching.
End-use applications
Professor Deborah Greaves, Director of the Centre for Decarbonisation and ORE at the University of Plymouth and Dr Yeaw Chu Lee, Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Plymouth are the GW-SHIFT theme leads for ‘End-use applications. In their post they explore how hydrogen can impact traditional hard to decarbonise sectors such as aviation and shipping.
End-use applications
Professor Deborah Greaves, Director of the Centre for Decarbonisation and ORE at the University of Plymouth and Dr Yeaw Chu Lee, Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Plymouth are the GW-SHIFT theme leads for ‘End-use applications. In their post they explore how hydrogen can impact traditional hard to decarbonise sectors such as aviation and shipping.
Hydrogen Conversion
Professor Agustin Valera-Medina, Director of the Net Zero Innovation Institute at Cardiff University is the lead for the GW-SHIFT theme Conversion and explains the role of ammonia and other materials in hydrogen conversion.
Storage & Distribution
Dr Jemma Rowlandson, a lecturer in Thermodynamics at University of Bristol, and lead for the GW-SHIFT theme Storage & Distribution explains hydrogen’s unique energy profile and how it could offer a versatile storage solution for renewable energy.
GW-SHIFT – developing a hydrogen supercluster
The Great Western Supercluster of Hydrogen Impact for Future Technologies (GW-SHIFT) is a unique two-country programme to develop and accelerate the delivery of impact activities for the emerging hydrogen research and innovation cluster across the South West of England and South Wales. The programme will support these regions to decarbonise different sectors and accelerate the journey to Net Zero. GW-SHIFT is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council as a flagship Place Based Impact Acceleration Account.
Hydrogen Production
Dr James Courtney, lecturer in Chemical Engineering at Swansea University and lead for the GW-SHIFT theme Hydrogen Production, shares more about this exciting opportunity for the region and the different ways to produce hydrogen.
GW-SHIFT – developing a hydrogen supercluster
The Great Western Supercluster of Hydrogen Impact for Future Technologies (GW-SHIFT) is a unique two-country programme to develop and accelerate the delivery of impact activities for the emerging hydrogen research and innovation cluster across the South West of England and South Wales. The programme will support these regions to decarbonise different sectors and accelerate the journey to Net Zero. GW-SHIFT is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council as a flagship Place Based Impact Acceleration Account.