Developing a sustainable hydrogen supercluster
Spanning the South West of England and South Wales, the Great Western Supercluster of Hydrogen Impact for Future Technologies (GW-SHIFT) will connect academic, civic and industry partners with a shared vision to maximise the enormous potential of the region’s hydrogen ecosystem.
Powering green, inclusive growth across the region, the ambition of GW-SHIFT is to transition from a nascent cluster to an established supercluster which is uniquely placed to lead the delivery of the green hydrogen economies needed to decarbonise the UK. The impact will span multiple sectors (mobility, power, heating and chemicals) across the region’s unique testbed of urban, rural, and coastal areas and resources.
Great Western supercluster for hydrogen impact for future technologies
The establishment of GW-SHIFT as a hydrogen supercluster for the South of England and South Wales will enable maximum impact from joined-up strategic advances in hydrogen production, storage and distribution, conversion, end-use applications (for mobility, heating, power), industrial feedstocks, and cross-cutting issues (economic, environmental, social and safety).
It will be a critical enabler of a thriving low-carbon hydrogen sector in the South-West and South Wales, with national and global applications, delivering energy security, skills, economic growth, supply chain development and driving Net Zero innovations.
Academic team
Delivery of high-impact projects & activities
Network building
GW-SHIFT will begin with network building to bring together the nascent cluster, leading towards creating a mature cluster ready for further collaborative impact activity.
Knowledge sharing secondments
Will enable knowledge sharing/collaboration among partners to support shared understanding of challenges, policy development, and wider ecosystem requirements. These will be two-way, eg, researchers seconded part-time into industry/civic partners or civic/industry into universities.
Collaborative match-funded impact projects
Through a rolling competitive application process, academic, industry and civic partners will propose 1-2 year collaborative projects (supported by extensive facilities and equipment provided by partners) to build on existing research, including follow-on of sprints.
Engagement, inclusion & dissemination
Awareness raising and education with the public, schools, wider academia, industry, SMEs, and policymakers to increase understanding, improve public acceptance and catalyse collaborative R&D partnerships to develop new technologies.
Policy & theme conversations
Workshops and roundtables involving civic, industry, academic, third sector, policymakers, and influencers will explore regional civic and industry priorities for hydrogen.
Sprint projects
Short (3-6 month) collaborative sprint projects for proof-of-principle, market validation, policy foresight/development and horizon scanning projects. Sprints will enable rapid collaboration building with industry and the public sector and will provide academics (particularly early career researchers) with opportunities to undertake initial proof of principle studies regarding new technologies, processes, or policy interventions. Successful sprint projects will be able to apply for larger collaborative match-funded projects.
Capacity building
GW-SHIFT will ensure the skills required to create maximum societal impact from the hydrogen economy are embedded regionally via:
- Entrepreneurial training
- Early Career Researcher training
- Mentoring
- Upskilling programmes
GW-Shift KPIs
View the Gw-Shift KPIs